Furry Friends, Whispering Weeds
& Flamboyant Flyers
Meet the Lumo Wilderness
- African Elephant
- African Wild Cat
- Cheetahs
- Leopard
- Lions
- Melanistic Serval Cat
- Normal Serval Cat
Other Predators
- Bat Eared Fox
- Civet Cat
- Genet Cat
- Honey Badgers
- Silver Backed Jackals
- Spotted Hyena
- Striped Hyena
Plains Game
- Cape Buffalo
- Common Zebras
- Kongoni
- Maasai Giraffes
- Wildebeest
- Bushbuck
- Elands
- Fringed Eared Oryx
- Grants Gazelles
- Impala
- Klipspringer
- Lesser Kudu
- Suni
Small Mammals
- Aardvark
- Aardwolf
- Bush Baby
- Common Slender Mongoose
- Red Duiker
- White Tailed Mongoose
- Syke Monkey
- Vervet Monkey
- Yellow Baboon
- Black Mamba
- Gecko
- Great Plated Lizard
- Green Mamba
- Monitor Lizard
- Nile Monitor
- Puff Adder
- Red Beaked Snake
- Spitting Cobra
- Spotted Green House Snake
- Yellow Headed Agama
- Acacia Elatior
- African Myrrh – Commiphora Africana
- Azadirachta Indica
- Blackthorn – Acacia Mellifera
- Buffalo Thorn – Ziziphus Mucronata
- Cherry-Blossom Tree – Albizia Anthelmintic
- Cordia Africana
- Cordia Sinensis
- Creamy Peacock Flower – Delonix Elata
- Diamond Leaf – Euclea Divinorum
- Erythrina brucei
- False-Marula – Lannea Stuhlmannii
- Fever Tree – Acacia Xanthophloea
- Hog Plum – Ximenia Americana
- Knob Wood – Zanthoxylum Chalybeum
- Maerua Glauca
- Melia volkensii
- Red Bark Acacia – Vachellia Reficiens
- Sheperd Tree – Boscia Albitrunca
- Snot Berry – Cordia Monoica
- Sycamore Fig – Ficus Sycomorus
- Whistling Thorn Acacia – Vachellia Drepanolobium
- African Baobab – Adansonia Digitata
- African Spear Plant – Sansevieria Cylindrica
- Aloe Vera
- Candelabra Tree – Euphorbia Candelabra
- Cape Aloe – Aloe Ferox
- Euphorbia Cuneata
- Euphorbia Heterochroma
- Euphorbia Kibwezensis
- Kalanchoe tomentosa
- Pencil Cactus – Euphorbia Tirucalli
- Adenia Globosa
- African Basil – Ocimum Gratissimum
- Asparagus Africanus
- Bastard Brandy Bush – Grewia Bicolor
- Bidens Pilosa
- Blepharis Ciliaris
- Cadaba Farinosa
- Centemopsis Gracilenta
- Crinum Macowanii
- Dwarf Aspilia – Aspilia Pluriseta
- Elephants Toothpick – Sansevieria Pearsonii
- Erythrococca Bongensis
- Fireball Lilly – Scadoxus multiflorus
- Flame Lily – Gloriosa Superba
- Forest Burr – Pupalia Lappacea
- Gardenia Obtusifolia
- Grewia Similis
- Hypoestes Forskaolii
- Ipomoea Jaegeri
- Ipomoea Kituiensis
- Jammy Mouth – Ruttya Fruticosa
- Justicia Flava
- Leonotis Mollissima
- Leonotis Nepetifolia
- Madagascar Periwinkle
- Mallow Raisin – Grewia Villosa
- Plectranthus barbatus
- Wild Basil – Ocimum Americanum
- Wood Sorrel – Oxalis
- Woolly Caper Bush – Capparis Tomentosa
- African Milkweed – Asclepias Fruticosa
- Commelina Benghalensis
- Devils Thorn – Tribulus Terrestris
- Little Hogweed – Portulaca Oleracea
- Rats Ear – Commelina Forskaolii
Big Birds
- Common Ostrich
Doves & Pigeons
- African Mourning Dove
- Emerald–spotted Wood Dove
- Namaqua Dove
- Red-eyed Dove
- Ring–neck Dove
- Coqui Francolin
- Crested Francolin
- Helmeted guineafowl
Ground Runners
- Black-faced Sandgrouse
- Buff–crested Bustard
- Common Sandpiper
- Crowned Plover
- Hartlaub’s Bustard
- Kori Bustard
- Spotted Thick-knee
- Three-banded Plover
- White-bellied Bustard
Insect and Berry Eaters
- Abyssinian Scimitarbill
- African Cuckoo
- Blue-naped Mousebird
- Blue-checked Bee-eater
- Grey Hornbill
- Hoopoe
- Klaas’s Cuckoo
- Little Bee-eater
- Red–bill Hornbill
- Southern Ground Hornbill
- Speckled Mousebird
- Von der Decken’s Hornbill
- White-bellied Go–away bird
- White-browed Coucal
- Fawn–colored Lark
- Fischer’s Sparrow Lark
- Flappet Lark
- Friedmann’s Lark
- Red-winged Lark
- African Orange-bellied Parrot
- African white-backed Vulture
- African Fish Eagle
- African Harrier Hawk
- Amur Falcon
- Augur Buzzard
- Bateleur
- Black-shouldered Kite
- Brown Snake Eagle
- Common Kestrel
- Eastern Chanting Goshawk
- Eurasian Hobby
- Lanner Falcon
- Lizard Buzzard
- Long-crested Eagle
- Martial Eagle
- Motagu’s Harrier
- Pearl-spotted Owlet
- Pygmy Falcon
- Ruppell’s Vulture
- Secretary Bird
- Spotted Eagle Owl
- Tawny Eagle
- Verreaux’s Eagle Owl
- Wahlberg’s Eagle
- White–neck Raven
- Vereaux Eagle
- Eurasian Roller
- Lilac-breasted Roller
- Rufous–Crowned Roller
- Black-crowned Tchagra
- Black cuckoo Shrike
- Common Drongo
- Isabelline Shrike
- Long–tail Fiscal Shrike
- Northern white–crown Shrike
- Red-backed Shrike
- Rosy–patched Bush-Shrike
- Slate–Coloured Boubou
- Taita Fiscal Shrike
- Three-streaked Tchagra
- White-crested Helmet-Shrike
Small Birds
- African Pied Wagtail
- Alpine Swift
- Barn Swallow
- Black-faced Waxbill
- Black-headed Batis
- Cardinal Woodpecker
- Common Bulbul
- Common Rock Thrush
- Common Waxbill
- D’arnaud’s Barbet
- Fischer’s Starling
- Golden-breasted Starling
- Golden Pipit
- Greater Blue-eared Starling
- Grey-backed camaroptera
- Grey-headed Sparrow
- Grey Wren Warbler
- Hildebrandt’s Starling
- Hunter’s Sunbird
- Icterine Warbler
- Isabelline Wheatear
- Lesser Honeyguide
- Little Swift
- Mosque Swallow
- Northern Brown- Bulbul
- Northern grey Tit
- Northern Crombec
- Pale Flycatcher
- Pied Wheatear
- Pin-tailed Whydah
- Purple Grenadier
- Red–and–yellow Barbet
- Red–Bill Oxpecker
- Red-billed Firefinch
- Red-cheeked Cordon–blue
- Red-fronted Tinkerbird
- Somali Golden-breasted Bunting
- Spot-flanked Barbet
- Spotted Flycatcher
- Streaky Seed–eater
- Superb Starling
- Tawny flanked Prinia
- Tiny Cisticola
- Upcher’s warbler
- Variable Sunbird
- Wattled Starling
- White-browed Sparrow
- Wire–tail Swallow
- Yellow-breasted Apalis
- Yellow-spotted Petronia
Water Birds
- African Jacana
- African Spoonbill
- Black-headed Heron
- Cattle Egret
- Greater White Egret
- Grey-headed Kingfisher
- Hammerkop
- Long-tailed Cormorant
- Malachite Kingfisher
- Malachite Kingfisher
- Marabou Stork
- Sacred Ibis
- Spur-winged Goose
- Striated Heron
- Striped Kingfisher
- Wooly–necked Stork
- Yellow-billed Egret
- Black–neck Weaver
- Chestnut Weaver
- Red-billed Buffalo–Weaver
- Red-headed Weaver
- Village Weaver
- White-headed Buffalo–Weaver